Marketplace: should the media and sales house invest?

Platforms and marketplaces offer many benefits to all their users. If these new marketing channels have been widely adopted by the BtoC market, and are about to be adopted for BtoB, certain sectors remain cautious. Indeed, many media outlets have not yet taken the plunge. However, there are many advantages to marketing your offers on a dedicated marketplace. We wanted to share them with you in this article.

Marketplaces: real added value

We often think, wrongly, that marketplaces constitute additional intermediation which is synonymous with loss of value for the market. However, it is quite the opposite. Platforms provide real added value thanks to their ability to coordinate the actions of their users. No more one-to-one orders from each agency: all your buyers' requests are centralized! Their daily life is simplified and so is yours.

We often think, wrongly, that marketplaces constitute additional intermediation which is synonymous with loss of value for the market. However, it is quite the opposite. Platforms provide real added value thanks to their ability to coordinate the actions of their users. No more one-to-one orders from each agency: all your buyers' requests are centralized! Their daily life is simplified and so is yours.

Join a community of buyers and show them your capacity for innovation

In a fragmented market, marketing its offers via a marketplace allows, on the one hand, to give them visibility, and on the other hand to show the market that its sales house demonstrates innovation.

Marketplaces often benefit from an extensive community of buyers, allowing you to very quickly achieve economies of scale. By marketing your offers via a specialized marketplace, you meet the needs of your prospects. In fact, they will find your offers and those of your peers in a single place, and will thus be able to pool their briefs, record them in a space dedicated to them and follow the commercial development of their campaigns.

Centralize your incoming requests and monitor your negotiations.

Likewise, you will be able to centralize your incoming requests and know precisely where you are in their processing. No longer will any of your requests slip through the cracks. Your salespeople and your sales administration department will thus be able to work more efficiently on classic requests and spend more time on what really matters: the commercial relationship and your specialized offers with high added value.

This assessment is far from stopping there: with all the new technologies penetrating the market such as artificial intelligence or allocators and the possibilities they offer, marketplaces dedicated to media still have a bright future ahead of them. is your marketplace for marketing your advertising spaces. Available 24/7 on desktop, tablet and smartphone, to guarantee use in any situation. The platform is 100% secure, your private space is only visible to you and your team regardless of the device used. If you would like to learn more, feel free to request a demo .

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