Customer Testimonial – SNRT


Name of the agency: SNRT
Advertising agency of the National Society of Radio broadcast and Television (SNRT) in Morocco

Country: Morocco

Software implemented: MediaCRM, Media Pilot and ePilot

Start of the project: summer 2016

Marketing of advertising campaigns on the eight television channels, four national radio stations and eleven regional stations of the SNRT


• The reasons for choosing MediaPilot

“MediaPilot already equips several advertising agencies in Morocco. The company therefore has very good knowledge of the Moroccan market and offers software adapted to local constraints. Media Pilot also works with many renowned clients in France and internationally. She has strong expertise in the advertising sector. Finally, MediaPilot meets our needs. »

• The contributions of the new system

“MediaPilot is more flexible to use. In MediaPilot, we have harmonized management of our offers, from booking to invoicing and the teams have saved time on a daily basis. Now, in the planning department, the sponsorship manager can also manage the classic campaigns of her main clients. In the ADV service, invoices are generated in record time. However, we asked the Media Pilot team for some changes to respect our validation processes and simplify the management of advertising screens”

• The collaboration

“I am very happy with the discussions with the team that manages MediaPilot. They really listened to us by coming to Morocco to understand and adapt to our organization. The responses then given to our specificities were relevant. They were also very educational on how MediaPilot works. This made it easier to get to grips with the system and request adaptations. It was a real collaboration! »

• The balance sheet

“The objectives were largely achieved! Deadlines were met and the transition from our old system to MediaPilot was smooth. There was no sudden change thanks to the support of the MediaPilot team and the investment of internal employees. MediaPilot is complete, integrates audiences, and is suitable for a 360 and multi-media advertising network. »

Btissame Arouss
Marketing and Offer Manager
Download the full testimony

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