Top 4 studies to follow to create your media plan

Any good media planner uses a range of tools to plan, budget and optimize their advertisers' advertising campaigns. At the center of this range of tools, we find audience studies. During this article, we will describe the main studies needed to create media plans for your clients and offer them an effective communication plan.

#1 One next audience

OneNext is the new audience study which defines the new practices of the French in terms of media consumption… But not only that.

These are press audiences which are based on 3 innovations (single source study, connected study and exclusive large-scale studies).

The +:

  • a detailed knowledge of the habits of the French
  • a unique media planning
  • a measurement of reading using 5 representative valuation indicators (attention, trust, desirability and commitment to media brands).

#2 TGI from kantar media

TGI is the leader in consumer and media research. This research allows advertisers, agencies, media owners and publishers to identify, target and reach their key consumer audiences.

TGI is a so-called “media-market” study. It is present in more than 50 countries around the world with a common core of questions and a specific part for each market.

By allowing the link between media consumption and product consumption habits, it makes it possible to target campaigns on consumption criteria: heavy chocolate eaters, fans of a particular perfume brand, etc.

The +: 

  • It allows you to highlight the media or supports to use in order to target the right profiles for your communications. 
  • It constitutes a real decision-making tool for developing your media planning.

#3 Studies France ad

Every year, France PUB measures developments in the French advertising market for around twenty years, in partnership with Irep and Kantar Media . This study also makes it possible to detect geographical contrasts in behavior.

The +: 

  • More than 10 million pieces of data have been collected each year for 15 years. 
  • A panel of more than 30,000 individuals. 
  • It allows brands and retailers to produce very detailed analyzes to determine and compare the different individual and social factors that influence purchasing behavior. 

#4 “Ad Hoc” studies” :

It may also be relevant to add additional media planning studies.

The +: 

  • This data is specific to you: you can study purchasing behavior and consumption acts, analyzing the expectations and needs of satisfied and unsatisfied customers. 
  • You send us a set of variables and we load them into the Medialand software, allowing you to analyze your 100% personalized according to your needs.

You can centralize all these studies by integrating them into Medialand , the leading press media planning tool on the French market. You will be able to create your communication plans in the blink of an eye for your customers.

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